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Upvotes at import: 173 | Stars at import: 96
Posted previously at: 2012-09-25T03:53:17 | Posted previously by: Princess❤Cadence
Upvotes at import: 173 | Stars at import: 96
Posted previously at: 2012-09-25T03:53:17 | Posted previously by: Princess❤Cadence
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+-SH safe996809 +-SH artist:sallymon116 +-SH character:princess luna65936 +-SH gamer luna1046 +-SH abra11 +-SH aerodactyl6 +-SH alakazam13 +-SH arbok20 +-SH arcanine30 +-SH articuno26 +-SH beedrill7 +-SH bellsprout5 +-SH blastoise18 +-SH bulbasaur61 +-SH butterfree11 +-SH caterpie8 +-SH chansey14 +-SH chariot155 +-SH charizard81 +-SH charmander65 +-SH charmeleon22 +-SH clefable7 +-SH clefairy13 +-SH cloyster4 +-SH crossover36758 +-SH cubone17 +-SH dewgong5 +-SH diglett16 +-SH ditto22 +-SH dodrio7 +-SH doduo5 +-SH dragonair13 +-SH dragonite38 +-SH dratini14 +-SH drowzee4 +-SH dugtrio9 +-SH eevee202 +-SH ekans7 +-SH electabuzz4 +-SH electrode28 +-SH exeggcute4 +-SH exeggutor11 +-SH farfetch'd6 +-SH fearow6 +-SH flareon46 +-SH gastly13 +-SH gengar27 +-SH geodude11 +-SH gloom6 +-SH golbat8 +-SH goldeen8 +-SH golduck4 +-SH golem145 +-SH golem (pokémon)5 +-SH gotta catch 'em all8 +-SH graveler3 +-SH grimer6 +-SH growlithe18 +-SH gyarados14 +-SH haunter21 +-SH hitmonchan4 +-SH hitmonlee9 +-SH horsea5 +-SH hypno (pokémon)5 +-SH ivysaur12 +-SH jigglypuff43 +-SH jolteon60 +-SH jynx5 +-SH kabuto8 +-SH kabutops3 +-SH kadabra6 +-SH kakuna3 +-SH kangaskhan6 +-SH kingler3 +-SH koffing8 +-SH krabby4 +-SH lapras15 +-SH lickitung4 +-SH machamp7 +-SH machoke4 +-SH machop3 +-SH magikarp22 +-SH magmar3 +-SH magnemite9 +-SH magneton5 +-SH mankey5 +-SH marowak7 +-SH meowth36 +-SH metapod7 +-SH mew48 +-SH mewtwo33 +-SH moltres17 +-SH mr. mime10 +-SH muk6 +-SH nidoking5 +-SH nidoqueen10 +-SH nidoran (female)7 +-SH nidoran (male)5 +-SH nidorina3 +-SH nidorino4 +-SH ninetales35 +-SH oddish10 +-SH omanyte8 +-SH omastar3 +-SH onix10 +-SH paras3 +-SH parasect3 +-SH persian10 +-SH pidgeot12 +-SH pidgeotto7 +-SH pidgey10 +-SH pikachu374 +-SH pinsir4 +-SH pokéball360 +-SH pokémon4719 +-SH poliwag6 +-SH poliwhirl3 +-SH poliwrath6 +-SH ponyta91 +-SH porygon5 +-SH primeape4 +-SH psyduck12 +-SH raichu32 +-SH rapidash238 +-SH raticate5 +-SH rattata9 +-SH rhydon7 +-SH rhyhorn4 +-SH sandshrew8 +-SH sandslash5 +-SH scyther7 +-SH seadra3 +-SH seaking5 +-SH seel4 +-SH shellder8 +-SH slowbro6 +-SH slowpoke172 +-SH slowpoke (pokémon)53 +-SH snorlax18 +-SH spearow7 +-SH squirtle46 +-SH starmie13 +-SH staryu6 +-SH sunburst background623 +-SH tangela5 +-SH tauros10 +-SH tentacool4 +-SH tentacruel5 +-SH vaporeon77 +-SH venomoth7 +-SH venonat7 +-SH venusaur20 +-SH victreebel6 +-SH vileplume6 +-SH voltorb9 +-SH vulpix35 +-SH wall of tags1771 +-SH wartortle10 +-SH weedle9 +-SH weepinbell3 +-SH weezing6 +-SH wigglytuff16 +-SH zapdos16 +-SH zubat16
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