Original Description:
It's all over. The predators have been locked away for good this time, and with them any sense of rivalry between the ungulates. It'll be a long trip back, but before they even begin, a moment of respite is absolutely necessary. One night in a hotel is plenty enough for the victorious six, and having proper bandages and splints instead of fiber, rags and sticks is a very welcome feeling. Now a fire warms their bodies, and a strange feeling not much unlike friendship warms their hearts.
So now I've drawn all the ungulates that we currently know from Them's Fightin' Herds. A winner is me! With that, I'll probably think about what I'll do next. Most likely case? more What is Hoo-Man. So far I've got some fairly decent reception on Derpibooru, and I'd like to continue that project. I just need to not fall into the trap of making any of the characters I introduce perfect. Easy enough, right?
In the meantime, I'm gonna take a break and relax, waiting for my next day job to pop up. Catch you all later!