In an alternate universe where the now abandoned Canterlot High is the last safe haven in a town bursting with criminal activity, the former students created a new gang, the 3rd Street Saints. They are lead by Nolan North, the son of the biggest, baddest crime lord in town and their goal is to end the rival gangs and make their beloved hometown safe once again.
But, as Friedrich Nietzsche once quoted, "he who fights monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster".
The seductress of the 3rd Street Saints. Most of Rarity's missions require a disguise and the capability of talking her way out of situations, and both are things she excels at. Her tasks usually involve making deals that give the Saints an edge in the gang war, haggling prices of places the Saints want to buy, infiltrations, silent assassinatons, seducing info out of people and distracting guards when Fluttershy needs to sneak into places even she can't. Her weapons are a customized knife and a silenced VICE 9 pistol. She is the Saint with the least kills under her belt, but her assassinations are performed so elegantly and skillfully that only the Saints who were aware of the ploy know she was the one behind it.