In an alternate universe where the now abandoned Canterlot High is the last safe haven in a town bursting with criminal activity, the former students created a new gang, the 3rd Street Saints. They are lead by Nolan North, the son of the biggest, baddest crime lord in town and their goal is to end the rival gangs and make their beloved hometown safe once again.
But, as Friedrich Nietzsche once quoted, "he who fights monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster".
Fluttershy does not stand out in a crowd. When not addressed directly, she tends to just fade in the background. While most people see this as a disadvantage, the 3rd Street Saints see this as a gift. If someone needs to be followed, Fluttershy is the woman for the job; her lack of presence makes it perfect for her to not be noticed by other people and, even if she ends up being spotted, her meek and girlish appearance is enough for most people to pay no mind to her. This ability surprisingly makes Fluttershy one of the most valuable members of the team, especially if they need to sneak in a place while keeping a low profile. Her missions usually require the help of Rarity, who causes the perfect distractions for her to sneak past guards, but once she's in she can handle herself. Fluttershy is not very helpful in close range combat, but when it comes to taking out targets from a distance, her semi-automatic sniper rifle McManus makes their enemies drop like flies.