"Relax dude, it's just a camera, it's not gonna steal your soul.” Cherry chuckled in Ghajini’s discomfort as the griffon rubbed the stars from his eyes.
“I know what a camera is, pony,” he growled. “I didn’t give you permission to use one on me!”
“Too late.” Cherry Bomber smirked as she messed with the film dial. “This thing is so cool. I can use it just about anywhere and the picture will come out perfect!” she cheered and held the camera toward the griffon. “Wanna see?”
“Yes. I do.” Ghajini raised his talons and swiped down, but Cherry was quicker.
“Hey! No need to be a complete thorn about it!” she brought the camera to her chest and inspected it. “I didn’t think you’d be so fussy.”
“Anyone would be if you just drop out of the sky like some maniac and snipe them with a camera.” he grunted and turned to leave.
“Hey…wait a sec,” Cherry looked at Ghajini. “Don’t leave!”
On most days, Ghajini would have ignored her but this time, against his better judgement, he turned around. “What?” he spat.
She ignored his venom for a few silent moments, smiling all the while. “You’re perfect!” she chirped.
Ghajini cringed. “What?”
“Don’t you remember that-” Cherry paused. “Oh, right, nevermind. But anyway, I’ve got this school project that’s due next week and you would make the perfect subject!”
Ghajini rolled his eyes. “Don’t be stupid, all you ponies know what griffions are.”
“Why don’t you stop being a presumptuous ass,” Cherry said. “I’m talkin about Griffonstone.”
Ghajini felt his tail twitch involuntarily. “What about it.”
“Well.” Cherry brought up her camera again in search of an interesting subject. “I bet no pony in class knows about the place. So why not give them a history lesson?”
Ghajini smiled. “Good idea!" he pointed behind him. "The library is right over there.” Ghajini’s happy countenance fell immediately as he turned to leave again.
“It’s supposed to be an interview,” said Cherry. “You lived there with your mom right? Your words would be way better than some old book!”
“What goes on in Griffonstone is no ponies business,” he hissed.
“Oh yeah? Says who?” Cherry Bomber snorted and stamped her hoof, but there was no real energy behind it. She looked away, sulking. “Whatever.” she said, and continued to fiddle with her camera.
And to think, in just a few hours, she'll be sitting across the dinner table from that ray of sunshine. Cherry saved up all her allowance money for this camera and dammit she's going to use it! Ghajini wants to be far far away from her as long as it's in her hooves. I tweaked Ghajini a bit. I was always back and forth about his ears but I finally decided to keep the ears. I love how griffons look with ears. I've actually been waiting patiently for the day when an eared griffon might show up.
This scenario is basically the same as this one: fav.me/d91m6dk , hence Cherry remembering that Gaz wouldn't know about an assignment from a class he rarely attends.
Also. I cannot make up my mind which side of her face, Cherry's little beauty mark goes on. I really aught to. I think I'm going to put it on her left cheek.