Artist's note:
"Dontcha worry! We've got things under control on our end!" Further images from the Deep Six concept dreams. There never was a plan to make the CMC part of the Deep Six Defense Forces. The only reason they ended up with sneaky suits was the fact that Rarity was making them for the team and Sweetie Belle kept asking for one. So to make her happy Rarity made one for each of the CMC.
Of course Rarity just figured the girls would run around the outfits for a while until the grew tired of them or they became covered in tree sap. Much to her horror the three fillies decided to create their own unit. The Deep Six CMC Auxiliary Unit. They then solemnly swore to protect Ponyville from the nefarious threat of Red Tide and his army of recently awoken fish men.
The resident of Ponyville smiled and shook their heads and went about their lives. "The girls definitely had imaginations! But Ponyville was miles and miles inland. It was very unlikely that any threat from the ocean was going to endanger little old Ponyville." Then Red Tide decided to execute a decapitation strike against the seat of government in Equestria. A commando raid on Canterlot!
Carefully winding their way up the rivers of Equestria a strong force of fish men snuck their way through Equestria's heartland. An important phase of this operation was the seizure of the rail head in Ponyville. This would slow the arrival of reinforcements to aid the garrison in the capitol. Red Tide had conducted extensive recon of the area and their was only a token guard force in Ponyville. His commando fish men would quickly deal with them. This part of the operation would be easy.
Unfortunately Red Tide didn't include the CMC in his plans. I'm not certain about all the specifics, but I do know that the Ponyville Fireworks Company does not survive the evening.
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