Sunburst: "Well, 11 months have come and gone."
Starlight: "It took forever."
Sunburst: "I know, but it was all worth it. We finally get to see our beautiful little filly." Sunburst's eyes go soft as he looks down at his newborn filly, who was wrapped in a pink blanket in Starlight's arms.
Starlight: "Yeah, I wish you could've come sooner little one. Mommy and daddy were becoming restless, especially daddy."
Sunburst: "Hey, I wasn't that….. okay maybe I was, but let's not bring that up now. I just want to focus on our little angel." The room goes silent as Starlight and Sunburst gaze down at their daughter. After a few minutes, a thought comes to Starlight's head, something she hasn't been thinking about for the past eleven months.
Starlight: "I just realized, I haven't thought of any names for her. have you thought of any?"
Sunburst: "A name huh? Well, I think Dawn suits her."
Starlight: "Dawn?"
Sunburst: "Yeah, look at her mane. Don't the colors remind you of the morning sky?"
Starlight: "You know what, I like the sound of that."
Sunburst: "(chuckle) You hear that Dawn? How do you like you new name?" Sunburst reaches forward and lightly tickles her daughter on her belly. She responds by letting out a small,quiet giggle and holds her father's hoof. A tear rolled down Sunburst's face
Starlight: "I think she loves it. Welcome to Equestria, Dawn."
Sunburst: "Well, I think it's time for another Crystalling."