Twilight stumbled into the kitchen pulling her socks up and holding a cup in her magic aura. Flash turned at the noise of hoofsteps to see his marefriend walk in blind, trying to block the rays of light from her eyes with a mask, and only having one clear destination in mind. He chuckled at the tiredness of his Princess and hoofed a pitcher of coffee.
"Mornin' Princess Sparkle…sleep well?"
"No coffee…no sparkle…" She groaned holding her cup out to her guard, a plead for caffeine induced heaven. Flash again chuckled at the mare, and proceeded with the morning by giving the alicorn her kick-starter for the day.
"You got it princess…"
"One of the many perks about having a guard…caffeine
If he knows how to make coffee…he's a keeper
Bullet; Green Head-canon: Flash is a morning stallion, where-as Twi isn't. So he usually wakes up first and brews his lovely marefriend some coffee. He also tends to call her his princess a lot as a nickname…it's either that or Star Butt (buuuut he usually get hit with the morning neighpaper if he does.
So, I'm not much for coffee, I'm more for tea, still got some caffeine…but I can assume this is how coffee addicts work, I mean my dad does this every morning…Few words…only acknowledgement we get is a when the mug is empty…
Hey! Would you look at that I drew a pony with socks! NCMares is rubbing off on me…anyway, hope you enjoy!
With Love,