Sliding the cartridges into place, Royce spun the chamber before sliding it back into place and lifting the gun up to eye-level. “Alright… pull!” Aerith took one of the plates in her magic and whipped it forward, watching it sail through the sky away from us. Royce tracked the spinning china before pulling the trigger on the gun. An explosion of plasma burst from the end of her gun, streaming through the air as a beam before smashing through the plate.
I stood, mouth agape as pieces of the plate rained down into the field in front of us. “What the hell kind of plasma gun is that?!” I looked back at the machine, the cylinder giving a slight click as the light on the back of switched from red to green. Royce simply nodded for another plate, and I regained my senses as Aerith tossed another one into the air. She fired another shot, the beam of plasma created by the gun dissipating quickly after breaking through the second piece of kitchenware.
“Beacon rifle. ‘s what I like to call it anyway.” Royce responded, as if that answer satisfied any possible questions I could have had. Another shattered plate later and she looked over to Night Strike. “Mind flying up and tossing some that ways? It’s not too hard hitting things moving straight back, you know.” Night Strike nodded, taking a few extra plates before beating her wings to become airborne. Hovering a few meters in the air, she tossed a plate like a Frisbee, Royce tracking its movement sideways before firing off another shot, the gun beeping and sliding open its cylinder to accept more of the cartridges.