Name: Eris Special Title: Princess of Chaos (not a real princess though) Parents: Twilight & Discord :giggle: Siblings: Nemesis not "born" yet Cutie Mark: Cotton candy cloud raining magic Mark Meaning: She can perform magic like her mother and chaos like her father, but not as well as each of them but instead she performs them combined. Strong Points: Can easily shapeshift and fly Weak Points: Her magic needs more practice (doesn't effect shapeshifting), certain aspects of chaos (like manipulating somepony), & has a very childish voice, even as a mare. Favorite Food: Apples Least: Broccoli Favorite Aspect of Magic: Shapeshifting Least: Trying to control somepony (since she can't seem to get it right) Fear: Spiders Fun fact: When she's scared, her horn glows very brightly, annoying her brother when they try to sleep at night (but it's rather hard to sleep with a glowing light in your face, isn't it?)
Upvotes at import: 3 | Stars at import: 2 Posted previously at: 2012-10-11T07:04:50 | Posted previously by: Niggoslav_Krawczyk
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