Nobody's really happy tonight!
Except for two people, way down underneath the Crystal Empire State Building…ZETTAI — UNMEI — MOKUSHIROKU
SOMBRA: …I can do it. But it will take time. Professor Celestia's work is very delicate.
CHRYSALIS: But it CAN be done?
SOMBRA: [wordily] …yes, but it will be an even slower progress than I had anticipated. Especially if you continue to waste resources on such trivial matters as a locked door.
CHRYSALIS: It got me those files, didn't it? But it doesn't matter; we have all the time we need.
SOMBRA: Still, I feel that a more straightforward approach would be of more—
CHRYSALIS: Ah, yes, because a 'straightforward approach' worked SO well for you the last time you tried it. Silly me, I thought we'd use a plan that would actually WORK.
SOMBRA: …Very well. Let us begin, then.
CHRYSALIS: Excellent.
Coming up next: more Scootaloo, more Twilight failing at friendship, more other things! Including, maybe, who the ghost of the University is, and why Celestia resigned all those years ago…? Let's find out!
(but later)