Artist's Description
Discord: Wow… Your errant armours doesn't tolerate an innocent joke.
Celestia: They are guards Discord, they need to be serious in their work
Discord: Well then, told them that they have to stop calling me "noodle"… I have heard them when I'm wandering around without being seen
Celestia: Oh come on, it's cute!, you are my dear and cute noodle ~ :heart:
Discord: Now you too? Curious I didn't know you had that sense of humor, so, so…. Like a… Draconequus
Celestia: Pff really? We've been married for a while, and you haven't seen my prankster side? I'm more than what you know love, and sooner or later you will know that side of mine…
Discord: We'll see, Tia, we'll see…
— Some days after—
Discord: Helloo my fine lady ~
Celestia: reading Hello my lovely noodle
Discord: Hehe you keep calling me like that hu?
Celestia: Mmmhhmm
Discord: Well then… preparing magic
Celestia: Hmm?
Discord: launches spell turning Celestia into a draconequus HA! there you go Tia!! Who is the noodle… Look's at her … n…now… o//////o
Celestia: … what you did to me?… Look's at her paws… oh… Wow… did you turn me into a draconequus?!
Discord: Y-yeah………..
Celestia: ….. It feels weird…
Discord:You look hot…
Celestia: What?
Discord: NOTHING!!