When I was at HW Con earlier this year I scribbled a few Movie Slate ideas while in the middle of a sleep deprived creative drive. One of them was the Animal House update. This was the other one. From what I managed to decipher from my notes, I insisted to myself to put the horse mask in it. Why you may ask? Well because the band of robbers in this movie wear rubber masks in the likeness of former US Presidents, so I thought using the horse mask was kind of a no brainer. I was a bit mad at myself when a few of my friends who saw the finished piece mentioned I could've used a horse mask that looked like Celestia, or Luna. I guess I can do that for the remake, might give me a chance to try and make things shinier like all remakes do, don't you guys think?
"_Point Break is one of those movies everyone has seen, except me, so reviewing it for Movie Slate gave me a good excuse to give it a watch. I don't think it ever called me as much as it called all the people who insisted in me watching it, and after giving it a shot I can kind of see why this movie has such a following. It is clearly stuck within its own universe of beaches, flower shirts, and clichés, but since it keeps the focus on the characters the setting comes across as almost fantasy, like an alternate reality where TV Shows like Miami Heat are the equivalent of their news headlines. In being so dated it's almost timeless, and seeing actors like Keanu Reeves, Gary Busey or the late Patrick Swayze, deliver such solid performances out of such one-note yet so likeable characters, feels perfect and awfully nostalgic. I feel like I've missed out on this movie, but I'm glad I can now scratch it off the list. Now I'm really curious about how that remake pulled this one off. From the ratings I've seen, not very good.
Ever since I saw Shining Armor's VA on a few convention videos I can't shake off the idea that Shinny is a massive surfer frat bro who just wants to have some fun, and let out his inner Keanu Reeves every once in a while. Thinking Shining Armor could be a horse version of him makes his character immediately more awesome, and more interesting as a character, so that's why I plan on featuring him portrayed as what you guys see right here. Also I'm keeping the ponytail in the design, because it looks awesome on him. Not sure about the surf board, though.