Higher-res version of >>47206 (17/7/2012)
At this point, I have come to the conclusion that as hard as I try to be the epitome of coolness, radicalness and awesomeness that is Rainbow Dash, I can never help but a feel that a part of me is missing something no matter how good I feel about myself. But then today, the first day of mating season, I was helping Applejack pick up debris from last night's storm. Seeing those emerald eyes, athletic build and sweat-moistened coat made me realize what I needed: Love. Plain and simple. I don't care if it was just because I was in heat and a lesbian or whatever… It was the realization of how alone I truly am and was.
I'm the only one who knows I'm a filly-fooler and every year, suppressing my feelings while in heat keeps getting more and more difficult. But…What will I do? How will everypony react? Who should I even fall in love with? Spitfire? Applejack? Fluttershy, even? What if I loose my cool and end up throwing myself at a mare in public? What if I don't make the Wonderbolts if that happened?! What if I ended up doing that to Spitfire?! What would Celestia and the other Elements of Harmony think of me?!
_Forget it.
Forget Ponyville, forget the Elements of Harmony and forget, dare I say, the Wonderbolts._
I don't need them.
All I need now is love. True, passionate, honest love…
—Excerpt from the diary of Rainbow Dash, page 92.