Here's how that game of One Night In Ponyville turned out! Spoiler alert: I won (this is from my point of view). What might not be quite so obvious is what I am — you see, I wasn't Discord. I was Chrysalis: I swapped my card for the right-hand unused role card, and gave myself the mark of the Changeling. However, Trixie there swapped my mark with Applejack's, although the fact that AJ did her thing casts suspicion away from her. Poor Twilight, on the other hoof, had a bad night, what with Sombra managing to hit her with the mark of Illusion, so she never woke up to check on anything! This was a perfect storm of villains, too. (Oh, and if I had actually been Discord? I still would've won. The two town roles couldn't decide on who was evil, not that I could blame them.)
Try the game yourself — it's free! I've made it available as a print-your-own copy (seen here) and as a workshop item for Tabletop Simulator. Check the source link for more details!
Upvotes at import: 7 | Stars at import: 7 Posted previously at: 2016-07-25T14:17:19 | Posted previously by: WingbeatPony
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