Nightmare star: luna, luna, luna, now i see why you gave into nightmare moon cause of all this power
Princess luna: Sister NOOOOOO!!!!!!
Nightmare star: THE DAY SHALL LAST FOREVER!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA evil laughter
so i thought i would do a play on to celestia banishing nightmare moon and so wat if luna had to banish celestia? Was going to planned a mini series but might just stick to this pic
nightmare star is made by ForsakenKnightmare , AutoAudi , and Gen-ma
luna model made by BeardedDoomGuy what do yall think? if u enjoy my work then watch me for more to come.
Upvotes at import: 30 | Stars at import: 26 Posted previously at: 2016-08-30T23:28:46 | Posted previously by: iownu142
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