Princess Celestia: Don't be silly, Luna. Why would a foal, who's barely a year old, dream about taking over the Crystal Empire, let alone dream of someone who they never met?
Princess Luna: You would be surprised at what ponies dream about these days. We remember one time we saw Pinkie Pie dream about being a 9 to 5 office worker.
Princess Celestia: What?! Are you serious?!
Princess Twilight: Like I said before, everypony in this place is crazy.
Spike: Says the pony who went insane and caused a riot in Ponyville because her letter was overdue. -_-
Princess Twilight: Oh, shut up!
Cadence in panel 1 by sunran80
Luna in panel 1 by MUMEPR
Background in panels 1 2 & 5 by Neoholic Pyro
Luna in panel 2 by Myythic
Bad Crystal Empire in panel 4 by StarshineCelestalis
Luna in Panel 3 by DashieSparkle
Luna in Panel 4 by Pilot231
Adult Flurry Heart by xebck though I had to edit it a bit.
Cadence in panel 5 by stillfire
Luna in panel 5 by LeRauxArt
Flurry in panel 5 by DragonM97HD
not provided yet