Now if ever a project of mine took on a life on its own developing into something I hadn't foreseen, this is it.
All that I had originially meant to do was a little scene in which Rarity hooved the Cutie Mark Crusaders some new crusader capes (as in the first image of the series). With the plan to set this scene in the Carousel Boutique I thought it would be a good idea to use a simple origami as a mannequin for an older crusaders cape (one without a golden / yellow rim). But beside such a small (foal sized) mannequin there had to be one or two fullscale mannequins and also, what would be the Carousel Boutique without a clothes rack? So I first bent a clothes rack out of wire before I decided (or did I still have a say in my decisions at that point anymore? ;P) that the wire rack looked too shabby for Rarity and instead made one of wooden skewers coated in tin foil and with horseshoe shaped end pieces to hang in the clothing rail and double function as hatracks.
But how in the world could there be a Carousel Boutique with clothes racks and mannequins but without any clothing? Before I knew it I found myself doing Rarity's job, tailoring paper pony fashion out of silk paper thinking: "What's just happening? … Oh what the heck, it is great fun!" :D
When I finally took the pictures things (quite expectable at this point) got out ouf hoof again and before I knew it I had a series of pictures taken which, put in the right order, told a story about things getting out of control.
It took a while to edit the background of the images to insert the Carousel Boutique background.
Thanks and credit for the background image go to Tsabak who kindly permitted to use it :)
The first image is the one I had in mind when I started. It's just Rarity giving the crusaders new capes.
The second shows things starting to get out of control. Apparently the crusaders are so overenthusiastic about their new outfits that they start crusading right there in the boutique. One mannequin seems to have been laid "on the rack", perhaps by mannequin-jousting Apple Bloom while Scootaloo is quite literally on the rack and Sweetie Belle seems to be taking on more of a wizzard role (by the way, the Episode "Dungeons and Discords" wasn't out by the time I took these pictures).
In image number three the rampant crusaders bring down the huge dragon… err… Rarity that is. I would like to think that for all the chaos Rarity too may take a little fun from the playful wrestling.
The fourth image shows the noble crusaders helping their vanquished oponent back to her hooves again, possibly feeling a littel guilty about the unrained enthusiasm.
In the fifth image the "debris" of the little crusade in the boutique is being cleared up. The toppled over mannequin is put back into place. I'd imagine the whole group (including Rarity) is having a good laugh about it all.
I considered including some text bubbles in this, but I think that this works out better without words