Clover decides that the first thing she should do, is tend to the utterly destroyed stallion's face, and probably clean up the blood off of the floor and her hoof. It's a lot of blood, after all.
She manages to find a relatively clean rag, sliding it across the sticky mess with a grimace. Sabre's face doesn't help, as it continues to drip blood for several more moments before slowly coming to an end. She thinks about dabbling it across his nose, but she's pretty sure if she does, she won't find a solid bone beneath it, so she holds off. She also notes that when Sabre fell backwards, his horn must have stuck into the floor. She also notices that his cutie mark is gone once again. Odd.
She can hear two sets of hooves coming down the stairs, worried about the big mess and tussle. Wiping the last of the blood from her hoof, she grabs her bow, slinging it onto her back. It seems to stick there without much assistance.
Welp, that went well. What next?
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