Page 569 — Chrono Chrys, Part 4
I don't really have a lot of mottos or sayings I subscribe to when it comes to tabletop gaming, but if I did have one, the DM's last line here would be pretty close to it.
To clarify, what Pinkie describes here is the post-death "journey through hell" session, an experience I've had at least twice. Anyone else?
Transcript:Queen Chrysalis: Are these foals important to you? Don't lie, now.
Rarity: …That's her. How could you possibly have this knowledge?!
Apple Bloom: Hey, I bet the three of us are important somehow!
Scootaloo: But we've never met before…
Sweetie Belle: <sigh>
Applejack: More or less.
Queen Chrysalis: Interesting. Well, hostages are hostages. Oh, and if you suspect I'm using fakes…
Apple Bloom: Let's share theories! I'm goin' with bein' foretold in prophecy.
Sweetie Belle: Which one?
Scootaloo: Seriously, I get you two, but why me? I don't even have a big sister.
Queen Chrysalis: Do you really think I would subject myself to this willingly? They'll live as long as I have patience for them. At this rate, let's give it… approximately three days.
Scootaloo: Hey! Uh, so… Don't mean to interrupt your villainous speech! But, uh, I kinda need to… go…
Queen Chrysalis: Ugh. Tick-tock…
Fluttershy: Oh dear.
Rainbow Dash: So who's related to the third kid?
Twilight Sparkle: Something's weird…
DM: The orb now shows you a map with a marked trail leading to what is apparently the heart of the changeling territory. It'll be a long journey. Spike will remain in Ponyville to keep an eye on things and try to contact the royalty.
Twilight Sparkle: Sounds like a plan. Though it feels a little weird to be doing this again. We've had so many social sessions in the past few weeks, and now…
Rainbow Dash: Ahh, good ol' questing! Adventure, loot, combat, loot, monsters…
Pinkie Pie: You know what would be funny? If we found a way to skip every combat encounter!
Rainbow Dash: (quietly) Jinxed it…
Pinkie Pie: Or we get to the baddie's lair and get completely TPK'd! That could happen instead!
The Rest: PINKIE!!
Pinkie Pie: Ooh, and then we spend a session clawing our way back from the other side!
DM: By all means, continue doing all of the following: Giving me ideas, making me look scary, and fostering your own paranoia.
Page 568: >>1281628
Page 570: >>1281650