"In the epic words of Thor……… ANOTHER!!!!
Rainbow's outfit is minimalistic, breathable, and allows a lot of movement. It is basic 'bandage' wrappings on her torso and back hooves, and I added a bit of a samurai skirt for a bit of flair. Gotta cover the flank somehow XD. Her mask is made from the same leather as her shoulder armor and boots, which is strong, flexible, and durable. The metal trimmings are mostly for show, but are useful for deflecting small weapons (throwing knives, etc.)
Rainbow's hoof blades, nicknamed 'claws', are extremely effective, especially when she uses them from the air. She can tilt them up on the ground to be bale to run, but likes to keep to the air. Her wings blade is very useful in her ninja-style movement. She can perform large sweeps with her wings and create quite a bit of damage. Despite their effective offensiveness, they are virtually useless on defense.
Rainbow has always admired the ninja and samurai of the eastern countries, and dedicated herself to learning the agile, swift movements. She is very good at martial arts which, when joined with the claws, can devastate large numbers of opponents. Applejack gave Rainbow a few lessons in her own style, and Rainbow has mixed AJ's style and the ninja style to make her own swift, effective, aggressive fighting style.
*** Notes: THESE ARE SO MUCH FUN!!!! I'm not 100% pleased with how the skirt turned out, but all in all, I'm proud of this piece. Is there a better color for the skirt? If so, PLEASE let me know!! I want to make it a bit better looking than it is."