Clover thanks the Cap'n for the amazing fried spuds.
"Not a problem! If anypony asks, Seabreeze did it. It's what I tell Skillet whenever she complains about somepony in the kitchen."
She also wants to know if the ship has been damaged in the storm.
"Nothing too fierce; most of the damage was to the crew, and maybe a bit to the mast. But we can patch up nearly anything. I don't think this storm is going to end today; in fact, we're probably going to see rain at Vanhoover soon. We'll be arriving there in a couple of hours."
Clover looks over the box of chocolates, her eyes leveling with the table. It looks like it's a gift, meant for somepony. She can't read too well, but she does remember enough of what her real father taught her to read "With Love to you" on the front. She resists the urge to scarf them down. Instead, she asks what Vanhoover is like.
"Oh, it's a big city. Well, big for a newer city. It has a large clocktower, right in the center. It used to be called Clocktown until some kinda weird meteor almost struck it. After the repairs, it was renamed Vanhoover after the mayor who died from the fiasco. He had a heart attack after three solid days of arguing with the guards and event planners on whether to evacuate or not, and when the meteor almost hit… well, he didn't make it."
Clover wants to know about Silver's sleep walking.
"Eh? Oh, it's something strange alright. Some nights, I wake up on the deck, usually with a mop and bucket. I don't know why. But it keeps the deck clean, I guess."
Silverwind says that Sunny is probably up a floor, treating Sabre where they keep the canons. They have a stashed medical crate up there, for the inevitable post-battle. He gives Clover a towel to bring to him, along with the candy.
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