A windigo, or wendigo, one of Queen Witiko's fell daughters.
A piercing chill following them wherever they go, Windigoes are highly dangerous entities that become more powerful as they feed off of the misery and hatred that they cause ponies to feel. Groups of these icy demons can freeze entire towns and cities solid with their presence, and they have a habit of devouring ponies and other creatures at their discretion.
Windigoes are exclusively female, their physical bodies being comprised purely of magic and sleet, and many legends state that they are born when those wretched souls who have partaken in cannablism during life pass into Tartarus, cursed to always have a craving for flesh, never to be reborn as ponies.
While relatively numerous in their prison within Tartarus and other realms, none save Witiko herself are present on Hyperborea. Ten of these monsters chose to turn their backs on Witiko to instead serve Caroline Luminia, the primordial Goddess of Music, becoming daemons known as sirens; Adagio, Aria, and Sonata are among these renegades. While Caroline's blessing transformed them into aquatic creatures of flesh and blood with powers over both water and music, they still retain mild flesh-eating tendencies that must be satisfied, and grow stronger from hate — Caroline is content to allow them to guard her and Asriel's island of Karpathos from intruders.