Okay, so there is a reason why I mixed two characters into one and used Starlight for that. First of all, I choose Starlight as Monte Rainbow's steward because of the episode "A Hearth's Warming Tail", where Rainbow Dash used to be Starlight's helper. This episode created a tiny connection between Starlight and Rainbow for me, so I just switched the master and the helper, so Starlight is now Monte Rainbow's helper.
Second, I mixed the characters of Jacopo and Bertuccio because of my own confusion in the book where I thought that Jacopo and Bertuccio are one person (yes, I didn't notice that they have different names. I totally forgot Jacopo's name when Bertuccio appeared) and I was thinking that until I've read the characters list in Wikipedia. It's maybe only my dumbness, or some other readers were confused about that too and they did not realize that these two are completely different characters… Since Jacopo and Bertuccio are both important characters for the story, but Jacopo suddenly dissapears as the story goes on, I decided to mix them up, so this mixture will have more "screen time".