Someone once said that for every second in life having fun there is an equal amount of time spent in uncomfortable situations. Do you know who said that? It was me. I'm very wise. In this instalment, our friends have discovered their sudden lack of clothes, and resigned theirselves to the sinking dread of having to walk back in their underwear. I'm sure we've all been there. DT, of course, is in hysterics, but Silver Spoon looks like she is so done with her shit. And that's your lot, guys, tune in next time for who knows what shennaniganary. It is way past time I went to bed, so I'm off now. Eddie out. Enjoy!
Upvotes at import: 109 | Stars at import: 78 Posted previously at: 2016-11-20T10:38:17 | Posted previously by: Liggliluff
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