[Huevember] And it was all yellow
by Keep-Yourself-Alive
When I finished this I realized snow and yellow isn't a good combination. And then I realized I don't give a shit.
Gottuh love dat colplay
//becomes excited because I get to write a long description YAYYY//
Ya'll gave me some awesome challenge suggestions — keep-yourself-alive.deviantart… — and I'll attempt to do at least most of them. (keep writing em if you think of anything!) My main goal is to improve. Bcuz improvement is power. //it's my new catchphrase// I know I can't promise to be able to draw everyday (because sadly// school > dA) but I will try to do some quick crap as often as I can.
I'll def do Huevember like :iconstrawburryoreo: suggested (I only learned about it today so yeh, 1 and 2 are non-existant numbers, damn it, nothing I do is perfect and I don't care anymore, if we're gonna look at all my mistakes we'll be here all night, stahp) And I'll try practice a different thing with each picture.
This one's not all that interesting though. I saw today was yellow and I went mULE. I just wanted to let ya'll know HOW SUPER DAMN EXCITED I am about snow. I love snow, I didn't want to instantly get Xmas vibes right after Halloween, but damn, here comes November 1st and IT'S SNOWING :,DDDDDDDD
Time: 1hour 30mins
Layers: 1 layer for Muleface herself (but I did have a BG layer… next time I won't >v>)
Tomorrow I'll try to cook up something in an hour or less.
U kno I'M a special snowflake~