Ok I kinda gave up on this one, so for now Steven Magnet is a single father.Stephanie is the fruit of Steven's and Sapphire Shores short romance. Sapphire didn't want to give up on her career, and a hybrid child with sea serpent couldn't look good in her records, both Steven and Sapphire ( damn when I read it it sounds like some bad SU fanfic decided to keep Stephanie secret, and let her live in Everfree forest. Steven tries his best to repay his daughter absence of her mother, and for now he's doing pretty great. Stephanie is his "little princess".Staphanie is typical girly girl with cheerleader attitude. She likes make up, pop music, styling her hair (as you can see), boys, romance and anything between. However it's all to cover up how lonely she is. She spends most of her time in the forest, with her father and Zecora, and except them, it's hard to find someone to talk. Her only visitors are here best friend Bloody Rose and (maybe not best but always) Floret. She saved Rose from drowning when they were kids, and since then they are really close. Stephanie's bubbly attitude is a perfect contrast to Rose's realistic, and sassy personality.She has a small crush on Floret, thinking of him as her brave, imaginary prince. Rose has no heart to tell her the truth, that Floret is really uncomfortable with Stephanie's size but tries to act liek a gentleman in her presence. Yes, Stephanie is like a building.Extra:- Thanks to time she has spent with Zecora, Stephanie is very good at rhyming. She uses this ability to write cheesy romances and poetry.- Like her mother she's a really good singer.- Stephanie dreams about going to a ball and meeting her prince or being closed in tower and meeting her prince or eating a poisoned apple and… ect.