Pyrisa was the first to recover of the two, noticing in particular the odd smell of the goop blocking her vision. It was sweet, mellow, and dark… almost like… chocolate. And yet even as she realized what it was and frantically tried to remove it, she found herself frozen in place. Her hind legs couldn’t move, her forelegs were locked in place around Violet (who had just discovered the same thing from the tiny movements she could feel on her own back), and her head was immobile as well. Despite the fact that she was surrounded by a hard, unyielding, and slightly warm shell that kept her frozen completely still, which was essentially any claustrophobic’s nightmare — she couldn’t help blushing as she found that her tongue was stuck in Violet’s mouth, nor could it get comfortable. It just seemed to want to keep moving, dancing with her panicked partner’s own, searching for a respite that would never come.
“Mares and gentlecolts!” she heard dimly through her candied prison from a decidedly more excited voice than the one that had been on the intercom earlier. “The Manoir de Chevalin is proud to present Equestria’s most delectable statue, made with the help of our Guests of Honor: Les Amateurs de Chocolat!”
Rest of the story here.