swung by and ordered another commish from you main man BroDogz. This time we have a cute little pic of Tails and Fluttershy in some little cottage in the middle of nowhere. Again this pic is fairly similar to others of this ilk, as requested. I have a lot of subtle elements blending throughout this image and it plays off of the eye beautifully. The dull wood mixes well with several of the earth tones seen around the pic. Complement that with a couple of special fx and you really do bring in the viewers focus. Really have to point out the bed here. Since I was working with two characters known for their flying ability, It only seemed natural to include and “aerial” bed. I kind of have it hanging off the ceiling like a big hammock. It sure does look comfy… Anyways, I figured it would be right at home along with these two characters. Gotta say thanks to SonicTheCaptain for ordering more commissions from me. I am always happy to be of service when I can. Looks like Ihave some more commissions on my “To Do List” to get to so if anyone else would like to be added on to that list be sure to check out my Commission Price Chart first. fav.me/d6qmljw