A trade doodle for SqueakyNoodle. Hope you like it! •W•
(Original sketch:sta.sh/01ti466oh7yt)
Days before Twilight and her friends were called to Canterlot by Luna in the search find Celestia, Moonbright Shine has found a strange mirror she has never seen before, resting easily against the wall. Her curiosity led her through it and into a degraded equivalent of Equestria where good is evil and evil is good. She saw an eerie castle where she encounters the darker version of Princess Luna. Moonbright tries to keep her distance, but was caught by smooth dark blue coils. Evil Luna transformed into a vicious lamia as she found humor and fun in severely squeezing and hypnotizing new subjects. Luna’s coils swirled around the pink alicorn until most of her body was constrained. Luna squeezes Moonbright to make her open her eyes and what she saw were a pair of red spirals, matching the sinister attire of the evil princess. The glowing rings were frightening to look at, but seconds later, they were the most beautiful and relaxing sight Moonbright has seen, submitting more to Luna’s power. Luna coils Moonbright more until she was trapped in a cocoon of blue and black coils. With her new puppet willing to obey her every desire, Luna keeps the alicorn so she can show her sister the newcomer from the positive world. However, Evil Celestia might not really care as she is focused on other things, sometimes looking at the strange, suddenly green sky a lot.
Criticism/requests welcome
(Evil) Princess Luna-IDW/Hasbro
Moonbright Shine OC-SqueakyNoodle