Updated [Inventory]
Clover comes to the realization her backpack is feeling a little heavy… she might have a little difficulty trotting very long distances, but otherwise, it's doesn't bother her very much.
[Clover's backpack will not appear on her character. She can store most items in her bag, but the heavier it gets, the slower she can move and the less energy she'll have.]
Clover's dagger is strapped to her side, hidden from plain view. Her Magic Bow is held by heavy duty straps on her bag. It's a cool, crisp day, with a bit of nip in the air. She is wearing no armor or clothing to speak of. Clover isn't very hungry, but she could possibly eat. She feels well, though just a little bit drowsy.
Looking around her, she's on the ship, standing by Silverwind's side. Ponies bustle about tossing ropes onto the deck below, strapping the vessel to the docks. Others are dragging cargo up from the hold.
Looking to the city, she can see the ponies coming to life as the day begins. She can sniff a faint hint of caramel on the breeze, along with other festival flare.
The sea behind her is calm and clear.
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