"So, ma'am, you come here often?"
"So, this was originaly meant to be posted on Valentine's Day, but I didn't have time to finish it earlier, so I'm posting it now.
AJ and Rainbow planned to spend the Hearts and Hooves Day together. AJ was relaxing and waiting for her friend to show up. Dash was already on her way, she had a perfect plan about how this day should go and really wanted to amaze AJ with her new act she was training for today. She flew down from the skies and started troting towards the mare, her mind mostly focused on repeating the right words and gestures she prepared for their today's first meeting. She worked so hard on this, it's going to be great, she's going to be awesome and cool and Applejack will just watch in awe.
Then, Rainbow Dash, lost in her thoughts, tripped. Simple as that. She rolled once and with the second roll she throw herself over Applejack's back, her face slamming into the ground. Applejack watched the pegasus worriedly. Dash groaned for a few times, but then she remembered about her act with horror. Everything's not lost yet! she thought as she lifted her head quickly and rested it on her hoof.
"So, ma'am, you come here often?"
Now it's ruined, Rainbow thought right after the words (which didn't match her original prepared ones at all) left her mouth. Applejack eyed the mare with now messy mane and broken flower in her teeth for a moment, before she broke into a laughter. Dash felt a relief, knowing AJ wasn't angry or sad due to the sudden accident, and just decided to keep her cool face on and let her partner laught at her. She hoped that might make the earth pony forget about the whole thing faster, but she was already sure that AJ is not going to let her get away with it so easily."