“Ms. Fleur de lis, in your entire ballet career, what’s your most memorable experience?” asked one of the journalist
The little ballet girl just smile and giggle a bit, and said “No doubt,and always will be.” She said “Are the first day of me getting my Royal Canterlot Ballet Academy’s school-entry approvement.”
“really?…but…what’s that memorable about?” “you won’t understand.” Said the ballet lady.
Of course, for every student at Royal canterlot ballet academy, and I mean everyone, no one, will be doubt that their most memorable experience. Is the first day of their getting their school-entry approvement. Because it’s the beginning of the magic.
I will present this on EQG’s human TwilightSparkle
“So, Congratulations for your joining, Ms.TwilghtSparkle. prepare to get your entry approvement?”
“ah…what do you mean?” said Twilight
And than. The professor open a small oak wood made box, the box release shinging lights and starlight, like a magic fairy surrounding on Twilight’s body, and just like what happen when the fairy godmother put the spells on Cinderella, A most suitable and beautiful’s ballet dress just dressd on her.
colorful birds coming through from the golden window ,picking up the little princess crown inside the wooden box, and flying on Twilgiht’s hair, and putting it on her head.
“There’s your approment, Lady Twilight.” Smile the professor
Welcome to the world of ballet Twilight Sparkle.