I ordered four ponies that came together for a cheap price on E-Bay! Those four are all, of course, Gen 1 Ponies. Starting from left to right.Baby Moondancer: She made her first appearance in My Little Pony: Escape from Catrina in 1985, a second TV Special that aired on TV. This toy of her is missing a tail but she's wearing a baby necklace that shows up on a TV special that she's aired in.Applejack: A lot of you FIM fans clearly remembered Applejack since she's the only G1 pony that made it in Friendship is Magic, along with Spike. This Gen 1 Applejack appeared in My Little Pony: Rescue at Midnight Castle in 1984. She's missing a tail like Baby Moondancer and has a green marks on the bottom of her hooves.Lemondrop: The only pony out of four never showed up in any specials or cartoon series. She only appears as a toy, along with a playset. This one has lighter symbol color than my other Lemondrop and is smaller than the other(pic of both them will show up in a sec).Paradise: This pony appeared in My Little Pony and Friends cartoon in 1986 and in the movie. She's known as telling stories and is some sort of a historian of folklore and legends, which comes in handy whenever the ponies are dealing with some sort of trouble. I got a So Soft Paradise(close up pic of her is coming up in a sec) and boy, she really is so soft! O_O Some sort of fuzz stuff on her feels nice and soft but she's a bit dirty. Close up pics of them individually is coming up next!