Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps watched through the kitchen window at there nephew playing in the garden. The young colt was testing out his wings, hovering and flopping over again, a common sight among young pegasi. What had seemed like an innocent game then caused them to worry when Chakra landed a little too heavy, causing his face to hit the ground. He picked himself up, angrily kicked a small stone and growled only to find his Aunt and Uncle nearby.
Bulk: "..Oh no little man, is everything okay?"
Chakra: "..I can't do it" he pouted and turned away
Fluttershy: "Can't do what, dear?" she said in her sweet voice
Chakra: "I can't fly good enough. Dad wants to teach me all these cool tricks but I can't even stay off the ground!"
Bulk and Fluttershy shared a worried glance.
Bulk: "Hasn't your dad, you know, taught you any basic tips?" He said as nicely as he could, not wanting to insult Zephyr.
Chakra: "He says he's to busy and that its my teachers job, cause Ma doesn't have wings and all… but once I get the hang of it he says he is gonna teach me lots of cool things.." There was a slight glimmer of hope and happiness on his face, but it soon faded "..It's just..I don't think i'm any good at flying.."
Fluttershy: "That's not true at all! You are a great flyer. I use to think that I wasn't good at flying too, but with a little practice a slowly got better. That's all you need, sweetheart".
Chakra: "Do you really mean it Auntie Shy?
Fluttershy:" Of course I do, and both me and Uncle Bulkie are going to teach you" She nuzzled the young colt causing him to giggle.
After a few practice lessons, Chakra was able to fly as high as a meter off the ground on his own, and its still to this day one of this fondest memories