Not bad for my 2nd base?
(no, this isn't the 20 followers special)
Sorry for typing so much and thanks for 20 followers on G+!
I made this base in MS Paint.,isz:m&ved=0ahUKEwjUu4vgkKfSAhXjrFQKHdhWDtQQ2A4IHCgD&biw=1360&bih=676#imgrc=mpngfwDqKfdS-M
Picture I used for the base.
- Credit me. Link my G+ or say 'Lavender'
- Free to use.
- SHOULD be MS Paint safe
- I don't care if someone else made a base that looks the same. I made this base.
Before anyone says anything:
No, I’m not overreacting.
No, I’m not begging people to use it.
No, I’m not telling people NOT to use it.
No, I’m not a professional artist.
Yes, I used a Fluttershy picture for this.
I have my own style for doing wings. (a wing is a wing)
No, I don’t care about the rating.
Yes, you HAVE to credit me. Not crediting bases CAN be considered art theft.
There’s no excuse as to why you cannot credit me. I have my name and signature RIGHT THERE. "Credit me…. or saying
SO. I might make more bases. MIGHT. I don’t know. This took FOREVER.
I also don’t care what the rating is. That goes for my other pictures. Heck, I don’t care if anyone wants to use this or not. As long as at least ONE person (other than me) uses it. I don’t blame anyone who DOESN’T. I know this isn’t the best thing in the world. I’m not a professional artist.
I’m labeling this with my artist tag because I made this.
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