I know it's not the best (and she doesn't look golden lmao).
Name: Gold Heart (known as Golden Heart)
Gender: Female
Species: Bat pony/unicorn mix (like Lavender is)
Birthdate: August 2nd
Age: 52
Likes: Money; finances; family; makeup; magic
Personality: Music/fire (mainly Music)*; bitchy/rude
* A music personality means you're creative, artistic, nice… A fire personality means you have a quick temper, have a tendency to fight, and despise others. (she's mainly Music because (1) she has a bitchy personality and (2) is creative)
* Sister of Yellow Heart (Yellow is Lavender's mom; Gold is an aunt to Lavender)
In her foalhood, she was abused by her parents. (She is younger than Yellow Heart)[teen years/young adult] When she met White Heart (who is the entire head of the family), Golden ran off with Black, Silver, Cyan, Blue, Green, Glacia, and a pregnant Yellow (she was pregnant with Purple; Lavender's older sister). Because there is a bunch of violence against the Heart family, they (including Yellow and Golden) had to fight a mob. The Heart family won, but they split up, sadly.
(another mob attacked them later and kidnapped a lot of them)
Glacia flew back to her kingdom; White, Blue, Green, and Cyan were kidnapped; Silver and Gold ran off; and Black and Yellow went to Canterlot to have Purple.
I need to write the WHOLE backstory of the family in general; whenever the living hell I can do that.
btw if you want to know why there's violence against the Heart family:
The Hearts against Princess Celestia; and other ponies were outraged.
"Why are the Hearts against Celestia, anyway?"
Well, they had a MAJOR problem, and Celestia wouldn't do anything to help them, even though she promised to help anypony in need. This pissed off the family, the pony who was supposed to look over Equestria's ponies didn't lift a hoof to help them.
No bs in the comments, please.
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