Ever since I made a tardis for the Hearth's Warming with the Hooves series, I meant to come up with a larger scale version of the tardis than the one I used there. Thanks and credit for the tardis go to CyberDrone whose awesome tardis draft I just modified a little for this image.I made this one for Derpy Day on Equestria Daily (March 1st 2017). We have seen how devoted to their jobs the mailponies of Equestria are when one of them delivered an invitation to Discord within his chaos space in "Make new Friends but keep Discord" (S5 E7) and I don't doubt that Derpy is no less devoted to her job than the mail pony in that episode was (and perhaps she may be devoted to the addressee as well) The air bubble around Derpy's head while floating in outer space (with the unicorn shaped part of Trifid Nebula in the background) might reveal another meaning of her Cutie Mark.
Here is also a version of this image without the bubble around Derpy's head.
Since I have done a lot of experimenting with the lighting of this image I also came up with a version in which the figures are shadow outlines only, which I'm going to upload separately. The title of this image is a reference to the song Space Unicorn.