Sweet Deal and Chocolate hanging out.
I remember reading a yaoi manga about a guy who basically used this other dude as a hug pillow, all while friendzoning him by claiming he wasn't his type. This is kind of similar to Chocolate's and Sweet's relationship. While Chocolate is Sweet's type, she generally tries to distance herself emotionally from him. She does, however, enjoy hanging out with him a lot more than Tranquil. While Tranquil is a cool guy to watch movies with, he talks way too much during the films and it's hard to relax when he's dissecting every plot point as the movie is playing. Chocolate is pretty much mute when it's movie night.
Chocolate doesn't mind acting as Sweet's couch. She's small and light so it isn't uncomfortable. He does like how relaxed she gets in his 'embrace'. When she's scared, she clings to his arm and when she's happy, she hugs his arm like a teddy bear. He honestly finds it adorable how she drops her mask of sleaziness and guile to sit in his lap and watch sappy RomCom's. She laughs loudly and with energy.
Chocolate won't tell Sweet how he feels about her until he gets a sign from her that she feels the same. Sweet refuses to admit to any feelings she may or may not have cause she hates having a weakness. She is a conwoman in training, after all.