Wow, what do we have here? Pinkie's triplets. I don't know I just wanted to tell you more about them and how they grew up though the years.
1. In the first image you can see three chubby small cuties. At the age of five they looked pretty similar, at least in their complexion. Te weren't pretty tall ponies and kind of fatties. Also Okey enjoyed challenging the other ponies at strength and flight competitions. He was grumpy furball thought. Dizzy had a really big head and thought she was the most intelligent and simply better than her brothers. Okey used to messsed with her and making her mad. Lucky was pretty much as always, a ball of happiness and energy.
2. At the age of 8 Pokey disapeared leaving a gap in their lives. While Okey fell in depression and just gave up, Dizzy was forced to be one that keep tha family together. Her personality changed a lot and she got more mature and aware of her actions. She also got her cutie mark. Okey decided to stop flying. Lucky, in his infinite innocence, didn't understand a crap, why daddy wans't around anymore? What happened to everyone? Physically, Okey grew up really fast. Dizzy and Lucke kept their chubby complexion.
3. In the third picture, Lucky started to annoy Dizzy because she was smol and still chubby. She had the height of a regular mare but her brothers grew up until they became two mastodons. They both got their cutie marks.
4. Nowadays, Dizzy and Lucky enjoy bothering poor Okey with hugs and love demonstrations. He always tries to avoid them, but he actually want to recieve that love, he enjoys to see his siblings trying. Okey is concerned in his job. Dizzy prefers to try to get together her brothers with someponys so then they can be happy. Lucky, on the other hand, spends the day trying to make everypony happy and sometimes he travels with Pinkie and uncle Cheese to party trhough Equestria. He anly know two moods: happiness and lovesickness.
I guess growing up is hard.