Discord: There are times, deary, that I wish I fell for you.
Fluttershy: Heh, don't let my husband hear that or he might not let you in next time
Discord: Tch… Truly, I wonder how that'd be, you and I.
Fluttershy: Fun for a while but I doubt we'd be happy in a relationship like that.
Discord: I thought so too.
Fluttershy: What brought this on?
Discord: …I fell for a mare.
Fluttershy: Oh! Thats wonderful! Who is it? Have I met her?
Discord: [Nods] But I fear I might lose her too soon.
Fluttershy: Eh?
Discord: She isn't immortal like Celes- like the princesses nor is she young like you.
Fluttershy: So you fear her growing old?
Discord: [Nods]
Fluttershy: So what did you do?
Discord: I… Ran away…
Fluttershy: …Really? The god of chaos runs away from commitment?
Discord: It's not that! It's… I fell in love once and lost her too. To another pony and to death. I… I'm not sure how much more I could
take. With you, you're young so you have so much time to live but her…
Fluttershy: Time is too short?
Discord: [Nods] I so want to be beside her. She is… she is like no pony I've ever met. Smart and witty and such a joy to talk to. She throws even me for loops. I want to spend all of eternity listening to her weave her rhymes and smile at me.
Fluttershy: Discord…
Discord: But our time together would be so short
So I mentioned before, a million years ago, that Discord wasn't in Anansi's life for most of his childhood, choosing to steer clear of the Everfree and Zecora. He had even dropped off Anansi's egg on Zecora's doorstep for fear of confronting her. The only thing is that I don't think I mentioned why. Well here it is!
He's scared of watching Zecora grow old and die without him.
I figured Zecora is a bit older than the mane six and would be seen as a older mare. Discord, while he loves her, hates the thought of watching her age and die. He already lost Celestia to Twilight so he was weak to insecurities. Add to it the loss of that same princess and his fears grew to blind him to what he was doing. If even the thousand year old Princess of the Sun could succumb to death (supposedly) then what hope was there in finding a mare to be with forever?
Fluttershy tries to convince him to go back to Zecora, that despite how 'short' the time together would be, every second together would be worth it. She tried to assure him that many other ponies wrestle with such insecurities but choose to face it together rather than run away.
Discord still chose to run.