Parents; Sassy Saddles and Fashion Plate Age; 19 Cutie Mark; Two stars surrounded by confetti Personality; Born and raised in Canterlot, Razzle Dazzle knew nothing short of the high life. Her entire life revolves around fashion modeling, doing it from a young age and continuing on into her adulthood. She's become one of the top models in Canterlot at a young age. She doesn't let her success get to her head, but often hangs around Blue Ribbon and his gang for company. Her striking color palette has many ponies talk about her and how gorgeous she is. Despite all the attention, she does like to have her alone time.
Okay. Sassy Saddles and Fashion Plate made one helluva gorgeous baby. Holy shit. ANYWAYS. Her color scheme really reminds me of Waterfire from G3, probably why I flippin adore her XD