A tragic end to a siren pod is a frequent occurrence unfortunately whether by starving from a lack of proper prey, harsh conditions which doom hatchlings, or predators that ravage small packs before they can grow big enough.
When fate closes the future for a pod, hatchlings and pups are often the only survivors as the adults weather the worst of it all. Some are sent away in hopes they'll survive though usually not, others escape out of fear such as during an Ocean Dragon's arrival seeking a siren to sink its teeth into for their gem. Since sirens are so far and few in between each other their infamy is usually hard to come by. There are merfolk who are nomads or hermits preferring to stake a claim and live there till their dying days. If they've never angered a matriarch, then often times they will not know anything about them until a young hatchling wonders onto their patch of the sea.
Merponies, especially the mares, can take the wayward infant into their care believing it to be one of its own species who've lost their kin. Individuals or families will see nothing that makes the pup dangerous as without other sirens to teach them the proper enchanted spells to feed through they are harmless. It is not uncommon to see mare seapony or mermaid with a siren hatchling as if it were her own. As the youngling will lead a stunted life without the negative energy from their true mothers or fellow sirens, growing no bigger than their adoptive family. Further consequences come in the fact that they will become mortal without the sustenance that is negative energy and acquire the same life span as the merfolk.
Unless their identity is unmasked by those who've lost a friend or family member to a matriarch and the territorial ritual that cannot be pardoned from. This is the only documented way for a siren to lead a harmless life and in harmony with others through and through.