Hi chaps.In my latest fimfic, I included several flashback chapters to the Civil War between those loyal to Princess Celestia and those who supported the exiled Luna.
In a reward to three of my longest and most helpful followers, Whitewolf Stormrunner, Bronycommander and my troper 6samuelb, I collected their OC's and made them the equivalent of Game of Throne's Kingsguard under the Lunar Republic. The Eternal Knights, honour-bound and steadfast warriors.
The Lunar Republic see Celestia as the betrayer for her exile of her own sister. As angry at her negligence as they are with their own, they seek to atone by bringing Luna back to Equestria and bringing about the Eternal Night that, they believe, will bring balance to Equestria and not destruction.
The Eternal Knights (From left to right)White Wolf the Stormrunner, Midnight Blade the Record Keeper and Fletcher Fray the Battle Brother.
They went down very well with my three loyal followers and so I thought I'd treat them to an illustration.
I got White Wolf's design off her design by Taneysha.
Fletcher Fray I based quite a bit off Legolas. A master archer with a proud lineage.
And Midnight Blade I gave a bit of a Batman-look to him. He has similar tools and tactics.
With the armour, I thought about a more neutral version of the Nazgul. But they act like samurai and, off-handedly, their crescent moon motifs appear almost Saracen-like.
Having said that, Saracen is an awesome name for a pony!
Hope they like this and thanks for everything.