"Sir Goldshine."
"Your Hignness."
"Pick me up, I need to give you something."
"As you wish, your majesty."
"Oof, gently!"
"My apologies, Princess."
"Now, Sir Goldshine, you have served me faithfully and nobilityly for many years."
"All seven of them, I assume."
"Shush. As thanks for your long years of service, I present you the highlyest of honors of the Court of the Moon."
"The Court of the Moon?"
"Yes, and I, I mean, we recognize your servitude and faithfuless and give you this badge of honor… you're gonna have to bow your head, it's a crown. I couldn't make a badge out of them."
"I am eternally grateful for this gift, My Lady."
"Mmhm, you should be. Also you need to watch the back. I ran out of daises and had to use some dandelions. It keeps coming untied."
"I will bear that in mind, Your Highness."
"Good. Now take me to the pond, the ducks look hungry!"
"As you wish."
More Woona, because she's like an adorable lunar parasite clinging to my mind and I need to get her out of my system. Truly this is a day Sir Goldshine will always hold as one of his proudest, like the last six times he had to parade around with a flower crown all day. Luna would give one to Celestia, but she's never around when she makes one. Her loss, really.
I sort of imagined Gold sounding like Codsworth when writing this: