Sweet Celestia!
With a splash of colour, they're even less-settling than before.
You can tell why Derpy's scared of them! I drew and coloured them and 'I'm' scared of them.
Believe me when I say the 'zombie' look was unintentional. It just came out that way and I think it kind of suited them. A misspent and self-serving life doesn't do you well.
Now I'm concerned people are going to accuse me of the whole 'Ugly People Are Evil' problem that Foodfight (Shudder) got.
But I direct you to a quote from my fimfics by Fleur de Lis.
-"And I learned the real secret to looking beautiful, Derpy. You can look as strange as possible. You might be too fat, too skinny, have strange mane or eyes or colours or anything else but as long as you're friendly and help other ponies then your inner beauty will shine like Celestia's sun and everypony will call you pretty"
And as you can imagine, neither Magnifying Glass or Nitpick ever really took that lesson to heart.
And that Cutie Mark came out like the Eye of bucking Sauron! Also unintentional.
I've created villains so unlikable that they disgust and unsettle independent of their creator!
What Have I Done?!