is a numerical range field. Four qualifiers, gte
(greater than or equal), lte
(less than or equal), gt
(greater than), and lt
(less than), can be applied to the desired value.
Example: to find images with a score greater than 100, you would use
is a date/time field. It accepts a
tweaked subset of the ISO 8601 standard, as well as relative dates
(X minutes/hours/days/months/years ago)
. Four qualifiers,
(greater than or equal),
(less than or equal),
(greater than), and
(less than), can be applied to the desired value.
Example: to find images created before 2013, you would use
is a literal field. You can apply apply a wildcard *
as a substitute for zero or more characters.
Example: to find images from DeviantArt, you would use source_url:**