Title: When In Doubt, Be Saffy
(Original sketch:derpibooru.org/1450078
SM: Leave, Zesty. You don’t belong in this restaurant.
ZG: It was not by my hoof that I am once again given social standing. I was called here by ponies who wish to use my three hoof rating system.
SM: Rating?!? You exclude ponies’ tastes and make them your own!
ZG: Perhaps the same could be said of all opinions about food…
SM: Your words are as bland as your taste! Ponykind ill needs a critic such as you!
ZG: What is a pony? A desperate little pile of uncultured culinary artists. But enough talk… Have at you!!!
Zesty reminds me of a freakin' vampire, so why not?
Criticism/requests welcome (Open)
Saffron Masala/Zesty Gourmand-Hasbro
not provided yet