A commission asked by Hypnopony, I hope you like it! •W•
(Original sketch:sta.sh/014lz5moijbv)
A lot of trouble has been brewing among the innocent town of Ponyville as many sudden, yet familiar, baddies wreaked havoc. A small filly named Scootaloo tried avoiding all of these villains, being quick on her hooves thanks to some training with Rainbow Dash. However, she would be ambushed by a green snake rising from the well. Her eyes were filled with beautiful golden spirals as she gave her cutest entranced smile, sighing happily as the snake’s coils wrapped around her small body. The scales have left some room for her small wings to pop out, but Scootaloo didn’t have any use for them anymore. All she wanted to do was stay in the new bed of coils, not caring for all the chaos around her.
The small story here is based on the IDW comic issue in which ’s DA avatar is from. This is a re-drawing of said avatar (), but more leaning towards my style of pones and sneks. I haven't read said issue yet, but the small reference is good enough for now.
Criticism/requests/comms/trades welcome
Kaa(????)-Rudyard Kipling/Disney (????)