A picture to show off two updated designs. It's been a good while since I've drawn these two. I aged them up a couple of years, Koren of Helios is less round and chubby and Sabre Dance has his cutie mark. Together they are a dastardly duo.
Not much is going to change for them personality wise. Koren is an inquisitive monkey child who loves to hang upside down by his tail and read by candlelight in dark belfries, bake delicious goodies, tangent about his current interests for a virtual "forever". Being the son of Celestia has also infected him with a nasty case of Chronic Hero Syndrome. He wants to help everyone. Everyone.
Sabre Dance is a bit opposite. He's a genius at offensive magic, with a disturbing wealth of knowledge focused on how to make living things suddenly non living swirling like a vortex behind those sweet and innocent eyes. He's always trying to test out new ideas on his dearest auntie Twilight. For the most part she seems up for the challenge. I mean he loves dress up and tea-time so he can't be that dangerous.